rock princesses

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Source: tfs


Milla Jasmin said...

Hey, those boots on your "Lust-section", who is the designer + where can I get those? :))

Yenny said...

Those boots are by sam edelman for balenciaga fall 06. They're pretty hard to get now so I'd probably give ebay a go. Hope that helps!


Studded Hearts

Unknown said...

elizabeth looks too much like her mother! hahah.

Barbro Andersen said...

So cute =)

universalism said...

see, there are days where I am convinced I need to go to the hair dresser and ask for them to thin out my hair (usually those days my friend would spend half an hour trying to comb half my hair) - and then i see photo's such as the hair of the girl on the right and I am left where I began.

Kristen said...

So much fun. Love their hurrr.

Noa Raviv said...

ha ha cool pics!!

Hook The Look

Dane said...

This is looooove. Love love love.